Social Abyss

If we start analyses of a social system, we could all agree that the current system is sinking into the abyss. Financial systems are at the end, crypto never did what was supposed to. Energy crises, inflation, stagflation, wars, market crashes, and crumbling down of any and every international or supranational institution, especially the UN, Council of Europe, World Bank, IMF, you name it. We could also say the social contract is breaking up, even if it is too impotent to be broken. So what we are possibly seeing is the implosion of the social contract. The most important question is what would replace the social contract if it breaks or implode, or disappear. The disintegration of the social contract could and possibly will result in a “bellum omnium contra omnes”; the war of all against all (Rousseau, Hobbes, at large). However, if by any chance the new intelligent (and self-producing) system arises, which could be able to erase social contract without any recollection of it, we could hopefully find ourselves in a complete new beautiful reality. The systems we are accustom to by the beginning of the evolution of the civil society is cumbersome, quantum suppressed, depressive, oppressive and utterly destroying human traits of creativity, joy, urge for freedom and happiness. The new system or the organizational design has to be organic, fluid, complex, flexible pertaining to autopoiesis (self organization) and its processes have to be intrinsically intelligent and self-actualizing. If we are able to imagine that there are no borders between our essence and the environment we could become to grasp on a new system witch by its traits or properties is intelligent, self-actualizing, and self-producing. Stay tuned for more; I am going to explain the processes and properties of the new system(s) able to commence the new realities.